New Labor & Employment Laws For California Employers In 2021

* Legislation related to COVID-19

Leave Laws

____ SB 1383: California Family Rights Act Expanded to Smaller Employers

____ AB 2992: Expanded Protections for Victims of Crime or Abuse

____ AB 1867: Supplemental Paid Sick Leave; Handwashing; Family Mediation*

____ AB 2017: Sick Leave – Kin Care

____ AB 2399: Paid Family Leave – Qualifying Exigency

____ SB 1159: COVID-19 Presumptions of Workers’ Compensation Compensability*

Prohibited Harassment/Discrimination

____ AB 2143: Settlement Agreements “No Re-hire” Provisions Clarified

____ SB 905: Criminal History Information Requests

____ AB 2147: Conviction Expungement for Incarcerated Individuals

____ AB 3364: DFEH Protected Personal Characteristics

Workplace Safety

____ AB 685: New Reporting Requirements to Employees for COVID-19 Exposure*

____ AB 2658: Occupational Safety for Household Domestic Service

____ AB 2043: Safety and Health of Agricultural Workers in Response to COVID-19*

____ AB 1963: Mandated Reporters for Employers that Employ 5 or More Employees and Employ Minors

____ Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards*

Wage and Hour

____ AB 1947: Extends Period to File DLSE Complaints and Attorneys’ Fees for Whistleblower Retaliation

____ SB 973: Pay Data Reporting Requirements

____ AB 2479: Exemption from Rest Period Requirements for Safety-Sensitive Positions

____ AB 1512: Rest Periods for Security Officers

____ AB 1066: Agricultural Worker Overtime

____ AB 1731: Unemployment Insurance and Work-Sharing Plans

Worker Classification

____ AB 2257: Changes and Exemptions to Independent Contractor Law

____ AB 323: Expansion of Exemption for Newspaper Carriers


____ AB 979: New Diversity Requirements for Boards of Public Companies

____ SB 1234: Required Retirement Savings Plans (CalSavers)